
Showing posts from December, 2023


As part of my prefinal exam on 01Dec,I presented a case of 25 yr old female with NS1 positive dengue( link is shared below-case blog) Learning points:- -I have learnt that Regular Bp monitoring importance in dengue - I have also learnt the importance of investigations like hess test, hemotrict value ,platelet count monitoring -Pathogenesis of platelets detoriation in dengue OSCE questions:- Treatment options other than iv fluids in dengue ▪︎ Immunomodulation ▪︎ Corticosteroids :-recent retrospective study showed some benefit with methylprednisolone in patients with severe dengue.There is a clear need for adequately powered, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials in both children and adults to evaluate fully the possible benefit or lack of benefit of corticosteroids in dengue infection. ▪︎ Intravenous immunoglobulins :-One importa...